Align with Heaven & Earth

Get the Venus Cycle Guide

Women who are choosing to live their lives and run their heart-centred businesses away from the hustle culture are starting to reclaim the power of cyclical time to create a sense of peace, harmony and success more effortlessly.

The lunar cycle has been at the centre of this movement towards cyclical living and the rise of the sacred feminine. Going deeper into the feminine, discover the 18-month Venus cycle from Morning Star to Evening Star.

Venus the planet of love rules, our values, our creativity, (self) love, money and relationships including romantic relationships and our social connections.

With the Venus Cycle guide, you will:
Discover the ancient wisdom teachings connected to the Venus Cycle.
Learn about the Venus phases in the sky as seen from the Earth
Learn about the ancient Sumerian myth of the goddess Inanna and why it is connected to the Venus cycle.
Learn about the Venus Moon gates of descent and ascent
Learn how to use the Venus cycle for your feminine awakening and healing.
Learn why the current Venus cycle is going to support us to rise in our sacred feminine leadership, our capacity to shine our unique light in the world and to tap into our creative juices more boldly.

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